Dr. Carissa Wickens

Dr. Carissa Wickens is an Assistant Professor and Extension Equine Specialist at the University of Florida, Department of Animal Sciences. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Animal Science from Michigan State University, and completed her PhD in Animal Science at Michigan State University (2009) with emphasis on stereotypic behaviors in horses. Prior to her position at the University of Florida, Dr. Wickens served as an Assistant Professor and Equine Extension Specialist with the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Delaware (2009-2013) where she taught undergraduate equine science courses and provided educational resources and programming for Delaware equine owners. Dr. Wickens’s extension areas address expanding education experiences in equine behavior and welfare, management, and nutrition. Her specific areas of research include associations between management and stereotypic behaviors in horses, environmental impact of equine operations, and human-horse interactions.