Katie Bartlett

Katherine (Katie) Bartlett has been involved with horses since she was a child. She spent her teenage years working at a series of dressage and eventing barns where she learned about many aspects of horsemanship. Katie attended Cornell University where she majored in biology and worked in several research labs. In 1999, she discovered clicker training and became an enthusiastic proponent of using positive reinforcement training with horses. She has studied extensively with Alexandra Kurland and Kay Laurence, and continues to work with carefully chosen traditional dressage trainers. Katie is also interested in bodywork and biomechanics and is a certified Masterson Method Practitioner. She promotes clicker training through her writing, teaching, and by sharing her work with her own horses. Her articles can be found on her website: www.equineclickertraining.com, blog: www.equineclickertraining.wordpress.com and Facebook page: Equine Clicker Training